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Special Education Operating Procedures


Levelland ISD Special Education


Local board policies and the Legal Framework for the Child-Centered Special Education Process constitute “policies and operating procedures” for purposes of satisfying 34 CFR 300.201. Local operating procedures are written procedures developed locally which outline the implementation of the District’s special education policies.

The special education programs at Levelland ISD operate under each member district’s local district board policies and the Legal Framework for the Child-Centered Special Education Process. The operating procedures support local district policy, State Board of Education and Commissioner’s Rules for Special Education Services, and 34 Code of Federal Regulations (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) IDEA 2004-Part 300-final revised regulations dated August 14, 2006.

The Special Education Operating Procedures are revised as policies and procedures change. Click on the link below to access your District’s Operating Procedures. If you have any questions, please call the Special Education office @ 806-894-6858.

The Legal Framework